Thursday, May 03, 2007

Day of the Jonty

Stefan sent this through, and it was the end of the day so I did it. Much to my surprise, it's not hugely humiliating - I was expecting a marmoset.

EDIT: Gril, slightly worryingly, joins me in Jackaldom. And points out, as I forgot to, that you the reader (if you exist) can modify the result if you think I'm something more suitable for using as a car logo.


Grill said...

I appear to have changed it into an, um, Sparrow.

Grill said...

Um, I appear to have changed you into a Sparrow. Sorry!

Jon said...

This means war. Savour your remaining mamallian moments before I add my feedback.

Pentadact said...

I think I changed you into a fox. Mine came out as a raccoon, so I'll be needing some help to reverse that procedure when I put it up.

Jon said...

Well, it was a mouse before that and now it's a peacock so you were actually a positive influence. I can only conclude that I'm all things to all men, and hope that there's some sort of final boss form in prospect.

I will cheerfully shape your form. Link plz!

Unknown said...

I was a crow. Anna too, is a jackal.


Grill said...

final form - a crow!